Feedback To Al

Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 22:21:20 -0500
From: Thomas R. Glendening
Subject: Read your bio

Great page, very positive appeal--looks like the million bucks you don't have, Al...

Just a few high notes from recent precinct walk and general observations lately... many people have heard the resonant chord struck by the Supreme Court's recent decision February against the credit union. Daniel Mica, John the congressman's Democratic brother and former member of congress from south Florida, heads up an effort by the NFCUA-national federal credit union association as a Washington lobbyist behind a very current bill before the house, H.R. 1151... this can be a hot button and very close to the reason voters really vote--their pocketbook! Tied into the golden leash award you have a resonant and very local issue....

Tom Glendening

Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 12:07:45 -0800
From: The ECO-Store
Organization: The ECO-Store
Subject: Yard Sign

Hey Al!
Great page(s) - congrats, Steve!
When you're ready, I'd be happy to take yard signs, bumper stickers, literature, etc. for display/distribution at the store.


Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 00:03:23 -0400
From: Aaron Wilson
Subject: Drug war politics

Dear Mr. Krulick:

A colleague of mine past along a note to me about your candidacy in Florida. As someone who has worked in the field of drug policy reform for seven years I wanted to congratulate you for your courage and honesty. It is a refreshing thing to see in American politics.

I recently got involved in electoral politics here in New York. Last year I worked with a "protest" candidate who focused on the issue of marijuana law reform in his run for Manhattan Borough President. Despite having only $500 to spend on the campaign, we generated a considerable amount of positive media (including the New York Times, New York Post and other mainstream print and broadcast media), and drew nearly 8,000 votes (3%). We came in third, receiving more votes than all of the other independent parties, beating the Liberal, Conservative, Freedom, Independence, and Right to Life candidates.

Of course, this *is* Manhattan, but none-the-less we were so heartened by our success that we decided to run a slate of candidates in the gubernatorial election this fall. Our goal is to raise the visibility of the drug issue, effect the political climate by generating a real debate, and demonstrating popular electoral support for drug reform, thus allowing many of the elected officials who already support us to "come out of the closet."

What we are beginning to learn is that a well articulated campaign on drug issues can actually be very potent. Most voters, while not supporting legalization, do not believe our current approach to drug abuse is working. When given a rational explanation of why it doesn't work, and offered an alternative that takes into consideration their legitimate concerns about protecting children and public safety, most voters will go for it. I have also never seen a well-prepared advocate of drug reform defeated in a public debate, even one that focused on the morality of drug use. Should you somehow persuade Rep. McCollum to debate you, you could easily defeat his arguments and make a strong impression on the audience and voters. Is such an opportunity becomes available, I encourage you to reach out to experienced activists in my Movement for suggestions, useful statistics and factoids, rhetorical strategies, background information, etc.

Enough about us though. I wish you the best of luck in your efforts against Bill McCollum. He is one of the most strident drug warriors in Congress and the country would be better off if he were asked by the voters to find another line of work. I have to admit, my own politics tend towards the Republican Party more so than the Democratic, but if I were registered to vote in the 8th Congressional District I would not only vote for you, I'd volunteer for your campaign!

Aaron D. Wilson
"Leighton for Governor" Campaign Manager

Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 11:22:07 -0700
From: Mark Greer
Subject: Good work

Dear Al Krulick:

I would like to acknowledge your courage in addressing the war on drugs and exposing it as the expensive and failed fraud that it is in your run for Congress against Bill "lock 'em up" McCullom. I am a Republican and a "true" conservative. I believe in a smaller government, individual liberty, personal responsibility and most important the Constitution. Apparently on at least the issue of Americas biggest lie, the war on drugs, we are in complete accord.

Personally I don't back Democrats easily or lightly but anyone with the guts to address drug policy has my complete support.

As a believer in reforming our ludicrous drug policies you may be interested in the amazing efforts we are managing on behalf of reform. The web pages below offer information you may find useful including an archive of over 10,000 news articles on drug policy. Need some McCullom lies? just do a search on McCullom.

For example, I went to
and found this in about a minute:
Pubdate: Fri, 01 May 1998
Source: Associated Press
Task force co-chairman Rep. Bill McCollum, R-Fla., who as head of the Judiciary crime subcommittee is in charge of interdiction programs, said he hoped to slash supplies of illegal drugs by 80 percent in the next three years.

This is a class A dingbat statement. Over 30 years of effort and hundreds of billions of dollars have not put a dent in supply and never will. The DEA freely admits less than 10% interdiction at a cost of well over $16 billion a year. So is McCullom suggesting what $100 billion a year? Why didn't he do this last year? Because it's election year bunk! He knows everyone will forget such a foolish statement in a few years when the drug war will either be over due to efforts of people like us or still be raging and ineffective.

Regardless of the results of your run for office you are making an important difference.

The opinions above are mine alone and do not reflect the views of the Media Awareness Project (MAP), DrugSense or any other organization.

Mark Greer
Media Awareness Project (MAP) inc.
d/b/a DrugSense

Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 22:29:27 -0500
From: Patrick L. Lilly

I edit a small publication formerly called the Pikes Peak Hemp Coalition Newsletter. I read your statement on ending the drug war, and I was AMAZED and IMPRESSED. Finally, someone who doesn't flinch from the reality! I don't know how much good a publication in Colorado might be seen as doing for your campaign in Florida, but would you be interested in granting a short interview for publication?

Patrick L. Lilly

Subject: Marijuana
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 08:02:33 EDT

Hi Al,

I just learned that there is going to be a "Marijuana Education Summit" in Orlando sponsored by Partnership for a Drug Free America and the FDLE. It will be at the Adams Mark hotel on May 27 & 28, with keynote speaker William Bennet -- former drug czar.
I'm putting together a small contingent of patients to go up there to protest as well as hand out factual information on the medical uses of marijuana. I hope you will plan to join us, we need as many "truth police" as possible.
Congratulations on getting the Democrats to back you. It's unbelieveable how many congressmen are running unopposed.

Looking forward to meeting you...
Toni Leeman
Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana

Subject: my vote
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 17:25:40 EDT


Read some of Al's ideas. They are very important issues and I agree with Al wholeheartedly esp health care & the war on drugs. If I lived in the right district in florida I'd vote for him.

Subject: Victory
Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 15:51:23 -0400
From: sparks

Hi Al,

Glad to get a chance to see you last night at the Democratic Party meeting. Linda and I would like to be on your email list so we will know about upcoming activities.
By the way, you have a great web site. The issues are presented very well. Both McCollum's position and yours.
We look forward to your victory in the coming election. Keep up the good work.

Best Of Luck,
Linda and Chuck Sparks

Subject: Coalition Sign-up
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 13:05:53 +0000
From: "Adam J. Smith"

Mr. Krulick,

We are thrilled and proud to have you as a supporter of the Global Days Against the Drug War. It is through the efforts of courageous people like yourself, running for public office on a platform of rational reform in our nation's most disastrous public policy that people will become educated and involved.

I believe that you are already on the DRCNet email list (if I'm mistaken, please let me know) and receiving The Week Online and our legislative alerts. As you are no doubt aware, federal tax law prohibits us (as a pending c-3 and c-4) from participating in any meaningful way in your campaign, although, in our hearts, we certainly support your candidacy. (But see below for some better news.) McCollum and his ilk, whether they really believe that they can "win" the drug war, or whether they are simply playing cynical political games, are truly dangerous to the nation and to the people of the world.

We, here at DRCNet, are, however, setting up a PAC. It's something of a laborious process as we've been forced to re-do some of our accounting to get things in order, but it is happening. I'd be interested in speaking with you in the near future to determine how we can best use this structure to help candidates like yourself.

Again, welcome to the Coalition for Alternatives to the Drug War and the Global Days. We hope that we can use the occasion of the upcoming UN summit to raise awareness of the destruction and wrong-headedness of this policy. Good luck to you!

Adam J. Smith
Associate Director,
Drug Reform Coordination Network

Subject: Chances
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 15:52:50 EDT

Dear Al:

I've noticed and admired your efforts last year and will certainly vote for you again this year if you become a candidate. But are your chances realistic? Your contributors will want at least a reasonable chance for success--rather than just a good feeling for following an interior orientation to do the "right" thing--no matter how it comes out. The money used to finance your campaign might otherwise be spent for other projects of social or economic. Justice.

Bill Shaffer

Subject: WOD
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 22:37:46 -0700
From: "Barrington Daltrey"

Al -- you got my vote . . .

Well, I mean heck, you would have my vote if I wasn't a California citizen.

It's great to see someone take a strong and rational position against the war on drugs. My view is this -- I forgive individuals who have a knee-jerk "hooray for the war on drugs" reaction. But for any politician to take this position is almost criminal, because the facts are completely one-sided, and they are all against the war on drugs.

My reasoning is this -- average citizens have no reason to study the facts. The "intuitive" response is, "make it illegal, it will go away."

The correct answer is not intuitive, and requires actual study. But >we pay< Congress persons to study and >know< the answers. So it is unforgiveable for them not to know. It is even more unforgiveable for the government to wage a war of misinformation and character assassination on those of us who seek to change the law.

By the way, I'm just a civil lawyer with absolutely no drug involvement or interest in drugs whatsoever. But I do have a keen interest in what has happened to our civil rights, our national health -- and I would like to keep my child away from drugs which is made immensely more difficult by the huge profits in the drug business, by DARE programs and all of the other stuff you correctly point out on your website.

How long till you run for president . . . ?

Subject: web site
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 00:46:06 -0700
From: "Tom Murlowski"

Hi Al,

I lived right out of Orlando for several years in the late 70's. Great city. Used to just about live at Disney World.

Hey, weren't you guys scheduled to be flattened by a meteor? It must be true; Pat Robertson said God said so. Apparently, God hates those pesky Gays. Figured if He was efficient, he'd bounce it off of Orlando and take out Key West with the same meteor. (Man, I had some wild times in Key West, but that's another story.)

Just reviewed your web site. We need more in Congress like you. McCollum is a mean spirited, redneck, inbred, knuckle-dragging misanthrope. You must extinctify him with extreme prejudice. (Politically speaking, of course.) Wish I still lived there, so I could vote for you. Doing what I can from the Left Coast.

Please check out our web site for a look at the real faces of the War on Drugs, including my sweetheart, Suzie, at:
We have a wealth of information and human interest about this insane war, and we're just starting to really rock. Let's talk.

Did you hear about the recent decision out of the 10th US Circuit of Appeals? According to them, cutting profitable deals with criminal informants for damaging testimony against codefendants is not only illegal, but punishable by 2 years in prison. If that decision holds, WHOOSH!, there goes the enforcement end of the drug war. Am I wrong to dream of a whole bunch of vicious and unethical Asst. US Attorneys taking the place of all those harmless potheads doing life in prison for a dozen plants? Now THAT would be justice!

Take care, Al. Stay tuff. Stay loose. Glad you're on our side. See ya in Congress. Peace. Tom.

Tom Murlowski
Associate Director/Webmaster
The November Coalition
5150 Balboa Arms Drive #E14
San Diego, CA 92117
Ph - (619) 292-5103

"If at first you don't succeed, you're not using a big enough hammer."

Subject: Thomas Jefferson vs. the Drug War
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:16:27 -0400
From: "William P. Perry"

Dear Al:

I hereby extend kudos for your position against the drug war. Your end quote, "It's time for a new suit!" reminds me of a quote by our second most revered Founding Father, which reads:

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."


If our Republic is to survive, we MUST return to that course upon which our Founding Fathers sought to steer us! So, when you make reference to "McCollum's Worn-out Suit", please be sure to think about how the spirit of Mr. Jefferson views the situation and, in the spirit of Independence Day, which just past, please read:

Best wishes and, if you want some REALLY powerful rhetorical ammo, be sure to read PRESIDENT Washington's last words to the American people (for all posterity)!

William P. Perry
George Washington Farewell Address Revivification & Preservation Project

See also: The Liberty Pool

Subject: We want to help
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 18:26:30 -0700
From: Nora Callahan
Org: The November Coalition

Hello Al:

My name is Nora Callahan. I am the director of The November Coalition. We are drug war prisoners and their loved ones. See:

Good luck to you.

Thank you. Thank you so much for having the courage to take the stands that you are. More will follow now.


Not being from Florida, I imagine my insights aren't terribly relevant. However, after finding your website and reading your views, I must commend you on what can only be described as a common sense approach to modern politics. However much I might wish you to win and take your views to Washington, I must remain skeptical. In a district that has been ruled by the baffling unintelligence of Bill McCullom for 20 years, I wish you luck. You will surely need it. He is one of the prime examples of what is wrong with politicians today, and why true campaign finance reform is the only means by which to achieve the goal of a truly representative legislative body. Good luck to you sir, and continue to spread the truth.

Stephen Novak
Brevard, NC

Subject: You're Famous
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 20:31:59 -0500 (CDT)

Your campaign page is being sent to everyone, even those who've never been to Florida and don't know the two faces of Bill McCullum. Everyone is excited to see you in the race. Good Luck and let us know if we can help.

Kay Lee
Buda, TX 78610-1322
Previously from Merritt Island, Florida, we went to McCullum's office to protest HR372.

Subject: Re: Pleased to introduce....
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 18:41:58 -0700
From: Nora Callahan
Org: The November Coalition
To: Multiple recipients of list

Hello all:

For you who have time to do "net work" - I'd suggest contacting Al's campaign and offering to help. You don't have to live in Florida to help bring down one of the most horrendous WOD "armchair" warriors to date. The Christian Coalition used the net to thwart a candidate in very recent history.... let's help this one make it.


Nora Callahan wrote:

> he's runing against Bill McCollum
> he wants the drug war to end!
> Nora

Subject: HOPE YOU WIN!!!!!
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 21:04:44 -0500
From: Bobby, Susan X. (ISFPC)

I agree with your positions. Wish I could help you from Indiana! I am a professional, college graduate, mother, and concerned citizen and I am discovering that most thinking people are beginning to understand the issues.

Susan Bobby

Subject: your stand on illegal drugs
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 23:39:24 -0700
From: "Carla Oberg"
Organization: University of Lethbridge

I heartily agree with your stance regarding America's 'war' on drugs. More money needs to be spent on drug rehabilitation, not the prevention of the distribution of illegal drugs. As they say in 12-step programs, the drug use itself is only 10% of the problem, acknowledging that people who suffer from chronic substance abuse usually have underlying problems which contribute greatly to their addictions. In addition, consider the fact that, as I saw on 60 minutes the other night, a plant cannot be patented, and therefore, the 17 years which a pharmaceutical company gets exclusive rights to the production and distribution of a drug cannot happen with marijuana! And in the words of my 75-year-old grandfather, "The only reason that marijuana hasn't been legalized is that the government hasn't figured out how to put a tax on it yet." I am a Canadian citizen, and so your campaign literature should be of little interest to me, but I am a strong believer in individuals thinking critically instead of watching TV and letting only 35% of the country go to voting polls and decide on elected reps in government. I wanted to extend moral support for your strong take on issues. Best of luck with your campaign.

Carla Oberg
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

Subject: Your Recent Letter
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 12:16:07 -0700
From: Salemi

Mr. Al Krulick:

Thank you for your recent letter which outlines your platform. It is an excellent, honest, and sensible platform, which unfortunately, in today's political climate, means you probably haven't a chance of getting elected.

Your database pegged me correctly, I am strongly against the insane "War on Drugs."

However, I am unable to offer any direct or financial assistance to you. My time and finances are being used to support local, state, and federal Libertarian candidates as well as attempting to get our Proposition 215 (medical marijuana) implemented as written. The drug warriors are having a difficult time understanding that we voted and we mean it.

You have my best wishes for success in your bid for congress. Perhaps the Floridians in your district are ready to shuck the fascist police state mentality, which is certainly not the case here in "enlightened" California.

August Salemi
Atascadero, CA 93422

Subject: treatment of intractable pain
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 17:56:28 EDT

Dear Al,

It has come to my attention that you are in support of treatment of intractable pain. There are many people who suffer day after day in pain with no relief in site. With the states voting in assisted suicide laws we will lose many Americans due to pain or depression. I do note live in your area but wanted you to know that many people support you on this issue. It is time for the non medical professionals to back off and allow the physicians to due what they are trained for. I happen to live in Oregon and strongly disapprove of the suicide law. My opinion is for the people to be treated for their pain instead of allowing them to kill themselves.

Thank You for Your Time,
Roxanne Blendow

Subject: Help NonCancer Chronic Pain People
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 20:29:41 -0400
From: "Jena Veal"

Dear Mr. Krulick,

I commend you and your fight for the anti-war-on-drugs position. It is hard to stand up to a large group of people who believe the other way, but you and many of us out here in the United States know they are wrong!

I am in Georgia so I can't help you in your state. But may I at least encourage you to continue and to also realize that this War on Drugs is KILLING us Chronic Pain Patients!!! We are committing suicide every week because some of us do not have adequate pain medicine due to the phsyicians' fear of having their license taken away and penalized with million dollar fines.

I have Fibromyalgia, a chemical brain disorder that causes excruciating pain and fatigue that is relentless 24 hours a day, pain that is worse than patients dying of cancer and yet many Fibromites are given only anti-inflammatories for pain, a disease that is NOT anti-inflammatory in the first place! Three people with this disease have committed suicide, two using the services of Dr. Kevorkian, in the past 4 months, because the pain was too much to live with. If I wasn't taking medicine that was twice as strong as morphine now, I would also have to take my life because the pain is so severe, so I know of what I speak.

Keep strong! And THANK YOU!
Jena Veal
Carnesville, GA 30521

Subject: Re: Fw: Help NonCancer Chronic Pain People
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 11:01:43 EDT


Thanks for your support for those of us with intractable chronic pain. Please do not ever forget us as we are a large % of the eletorate. What is your mailing address if I wanted to contribute.

Ray Price

Subject: Good luck Al
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 11:39:03 -0400
From: Skip Baker


Good luck on winning the election. Since you know about the crisis in the under treatment of Chronic Pain I hope you use this in your campaign. You'll find there are a lot of silent pain sufferers out there who will vote for you if you bring up that issue. The general public is unaware that Chronic Pain patients can't get the medicine they need because of the WOD. If made an issue, there would be an outpouring of votes to support "Pain Control for those who need it."

Skip Baker, President, ASAP, American Society for Action on Pain.
"Striving for ADEQUATE and ongoing Pain Medication, for all Americans"
P.O. Box 3046, Williamsburg, VA 23187 (757) 229-1840.

My "Private, Hot Headed" Page is at:

ASAP's Main Web page is at:

Neither ASAP nor its members are engaged in the rendering of medical, psychological, financial, legal or other professional services, and assumes no liability therefor.

Subject: Hello
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 23:11:32 -0400
From: Scott Dykstra

Al, thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to speak with me Sunday night.....I had alot to say and you listened...I hope others will listen to you when you tell the truth before election day...

The issues we spoke about really bother me...Thank God for the internet...I'll send you some of the anti-drug war information I have from time to time....

Maybe you can use some of it (statistical etc.) to help you campaign...

Peace Al...
Scott Dykstra
Long Beach, NY 11561

"If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
--Thomas Jefferson

"A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins."
-- Benjamin Franklin

Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 01:21:57 EDT
Subject: Your campaign

Dear Al,

Congratulations on your courageous stand against the so-called "drug war." Your page is a breath of fresh air and, though I don't live in your district, I would be interested in networking with any candidates that you may know of in the Miami area who agree with you on this issue. I would also like to do something that I have almost never done - contribute to your campaign!

Again, congrats, and let me know if a fan in Miami can be of any help.

Brant Hadaway
Coconut Grove, FL

From: "Steven Howard Smith"
Subject: I commend you for your controversial stand
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 01:21:25 -0400

Mr. Krulick:

I commend you for your controversial stand against the War on Drugs. It was a few years back when Kurt Schmoke, the mayor of Baltimore City, created a stir when he announced that we should start talking about decriminalizing drugs. Since then, he has been re-elected several times, usually without any serious opposition. A handful of other politicians have made similar stands. I am hoping that taking such a stand might not be the political suicide that many politicians fear it is.

Your website shows you to be very familiar with the issues as well as an effective communicator. I believe that Americans do have a love of freedom and of privacy, and that the only reason that the War on Drugs has such popular support is that they have a grossly exaggerated view of the dangers of currently proscribed drugs and of the people who use them.

The people who speak out, the sooner we can expect to see an end to this stupid policy. Whatever the outcome of your race, by speaking out you are doing a great public service.

The best of luck in your campaign.

Also, I think that McCollum guy is the biggest horse's ass in the Congress.

From: "Strike"
Subject: Good Luck!
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 13:29:46 -0500

Wish we were in your district so that we could vote for you. Continue the good fight against the drug war!

A voter in Texas

Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 20:46:49 -0500

I spoke with you at home earlier this week. Per your suggestion, I visited your website and read up on your ideas.

Your website looks great and I agree with most of your positions.specially your thinking on the war on drugs and campaign finance reform

I do live in in the eighth district and I will vote for you.

I will also put a sign in my yard.

Good Luck in the election.

Martin Scott

Subject: Representive McCollum and ethics votes
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 14:42:20 EDT

Hello Al, my wife Deborah and myself worked for you're last campaign. I've been meaning to contact you for this years festivities, sorry for the delay. I had you're e-mail address, lost it, and found it again at the ECO store yesterday. I'm going to send you a check for you're campaign, not a whole lot but I hope it does some good.

I see a weakness in the republican ethics attack on the President, and I beleave it can been used against them during the upcomming election. This could be front page stuff if handled correctly. Call a new conference and annouce that you are going to Mr McCollums office and request records on how our Representive voted in the Speaker Jim Wright ethics probe back in the 80's. And that you will also request all info on how Mr McCollum voted last year concerning Speaker Gingrich's ethics violations. The issue being looked at is Mr McCollums record on votes about ethics violations and issues of perjury. IF he voted to oust Speaker Wright and then changed his position and voted to keep Speaker Gingrich, there is a clear case of ethics vote inconsistancy. Also the GOP leadership of this 105th Congress ( of whom Mr McCollum is a part of) carefully crafted last years save Newt package. Isn't it time someone held them accountable for that effort, especially now that they are claming that perjury is all that is necessary to demand the Presidents ouster? Mr McCollum's current position concerning perjury, and his RECORD of protecting Speaker Gingrich, are at odd's with each other, we can use his own arguements( on both sides) against him. He if effect can be portrayed as debating and thus contradicting himself.

Richard Dennis

Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 22:26:31 EDT


Subject: Got my paper
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 05:50:51 -0700

Loved your editorial. I only wish it could have been printed into a full page ad. I FAX'ed a letter off to the "Honorable" Bill McCollum in Washington the other day. I tried to appeal to him a little, but still told him that I hadn't and wouldn't vote for him. Doubt that he'll ever actually see the letter, but this is what I said. I'm surprised that a man of his integrity would tolerate the "incredible boot licking" that the sentinel gave him. That he should call his friends at the Sentinel and tell them that he'd like to see opposing points of view from the community that he represents printed in the paper as well. He's a hypocrite though, but it helps me get my frustrations out. I some how imagine that you find more constructive ways to vent the frustrations you must be getting from this situation. I mean, when the Slantinal endorsed Mr. McCollum, they mentioned you as if your platform had no major differences than the "proven encumbent". Just makes you want to bang your head on the wall.

David A. Doubleday

Subject: Whassup?
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 03:11:12 -0500
From: Megan Nix

I just wanted to say whassup and good luck from Al Krulick's #1 fan! I met him last year at the UCF southeastern College Democrats convention and I continue to assert that were every member of congress exactly like Al Krulick this country would be about as perfect a nation as could exist...I only pray that you can make the dense public realize this before it's too late for us. Please let him know he's still my #1 role model and that I'm doing everything I can to get Joe Turnham elected, just like I promised him!

Megan Nix
Legislative Director, Alabama and Auburn University College Democrats

Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 04:53:31 -0500

Al, I'm very impressed by your website, and by your couragously honest, commonsense platform. Given America's huge influence in the world, the billions of us who do not get to vote in your elections depend on you guys to do the right thing. Good luck!

Jon Blay

Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 18:39:52 -0500

It seems that the way to stop the impeachment process (since congressional leadership seems unable to read the will of the people in the national polls) is the really important poll on Nov. 3. I hope more central Floridians are tireds of seeing Bill Mc. pontificating on tv and are reading to impose term limits on him to alter the makeup of the Judiciary Comm. When will you have something to say about this?

Richard I Kainz

Subject: The Real story, please tell it
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 21:19:50 EDT


You are running against the leading spokesman in the judiciary comittee; if you can get any media time to tell the truth or have supporters who will do so, please do so. There is a wealth of info here Salon | The Clinton Crisis. If you tie McCollum to the Spectator and let people know what it is really about , you could win the Election. I don't think most republicans would support or are aware of the stuff here, much less anyone else.


Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 20:57:39 -0500


We're sure happy that we're going to be able to vote for you Al. Send us yard signs, bumper stickers and other material we can distribute for you. We'll be trying to find other ways we can help. GO AL!

Ralph and Kay Hudson

Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 17:05:46 -0500

My wife and I met you at the Lucent Technologies strike in June on S.John Young Pkwy. I heard Jim Phillips talking about you on WTKS 104.1 to one of your campaign associates and got your web address. I haven't had a chance to read all of the information contained in this webpage but what I have read I agree with very much. I will finish reading all of this as soon as I get a chance and will hope to be able to give you my support.

Thank you,
J.M. Butler

Subject: Good Luck
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 19:33:07 -0400
From: Craig Weeks <>

Good luck in your campaign. I am a life long Democrat but unfortunately for me, I do not reside in your district. Even more unfortunate for me is I live in Dave Weldon's district. I heard a little about you on The Philips Phile on Real Radio 104.1 and decided to check out your web page. It is great and I wish you all the luck in your campaign.

Craig Weeks
Davenport, FL

Subject: Re: Thanks for your support!
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 12:29:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: Beth A Orourke <>


I received your telephone message and I can make some local phone calls from my house. let me know. I'm finishing a thesis and teaching a lot, but I'd like to help.

Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 23:27:34 -0500

I live in North Carolina and cannot vote for you, but I want to wish you the best of luck. It is great to see people stepping forward with new ideas and honest solutions. Good luck to you, and if you don't make it this time, stay active and try again.

All the best,
Paul Meegan

Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 02:56:34 -0500

What's this? A candidate for the House of Representatives that actually REPRESENTS the people?!?! Now there's a novel idea! Kudos to you! It's a great relief to see a candidate (I hesitate to call you a politician--that title just doesn't fit!) who places a higher importance on healthcare than on destructive and unnecessary weapons, who sees the "War on Drugs" for the joke that it is, and who sees the validity of the medical use of marijuana. As someone who has seen the darker sides of each of these issues, your voice of reason is music to my ears.

I have had the misfortune of battling bipolar disorder for 15 years. As a result, I was repeatedly denied private health insurance and due to my health battles, it has often been difficult to maintain a job for the one-to-three year waiting period required by most employer-provided insurance policies before they will even cover a pre-existing condition. Therefore, early on I learned the practice of self-medication in order to treat my disease--translation: because legal medication was not at my disposal, I was forced to turn to 'illicit' drugs (marijuana in particular) for relief. (How's that for a catch-22 situation?!) However, for the past year-and-a-half I have been taking prescribed medication. What I find too ironic for words is the fact that this FDA approved drug has more debilitating side-effects and is more lethal than marijuana. Go figure!!

As you can see, you are right on target with the issues most important me. Come November, I will be happy to cast my vote for a candidate that I believe in rather than the usual vote for the lesser-of-two-evils.

Best of luck to you!! I'll be rallying all the votes that I can!

Noelle Bivens

Subject: Election
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 17:31:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: (... Woody)

Good luck on election day. You have my vote. Bill has been in Congress far too long.

Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 08:19:12 -0500

I wish I was in your distrcit so I could vote for you. If you have any ideas how I (a poor person that's willing to work from 30 miles west of Gainesville) can help please let me know. Good luck!

Kathleen Schroeder

Subject: Let's go Al
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 12:20:07 -0400
From: "Charles E. Hughes" <>
Organization: University of Central Florida
Carol G. Hughes:

Dear Al:

You can count on our votes. What a pleasant surprise to find a candidate whose opinions on issues agree with ours! We hope the voters will get rid of McCollum, that negative, do-nothing Congressman.

Carol G. Hughes

Subject: election
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 20:20:27 EST

Dear Al Krulick:

We are a small business on East Colonial Drive, in the Alafaya Commons shopping center. We would like to find out how we can obtain a poster for your election campaign that we can prominently display in our store.

It is our experience that Mr. McCollum does not support small "mom and pop" businesses, like ours. He has gone on record through letters to demonstrate his preference for big businesses, who enjoy enormous government subsidies and tax breaks, even as they squeeze local small business, with unfair competition.

We are located at 11929 East Colonial Drive, in Orlando. Our business name is Mail Room Express and we would be happy to display our support for your election and encourage other businesses to do the same. We can be reached at 407 381-4062. We look forward to hearing from you.

Milagros Pagan and Marge Martinez
PS. Please visit our website Mail Room Express - Orlando, Florida

Subject: Re:I dont know how your going to win but I hope you do.
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 10:37:43 -0500
From: Lee Stevens <>
Organization: Stage Nine


Of all the people running I thought your voice the little I heard of it, was the most truthful. I'll be at the polls voting for you and doing what I can. More than my disgust with McCollum, you are a man I can vote for with some hope in my heart that things politically will change for the better.

You are fighting the machine, remember don't give up the fight. Get on Jim Phillips Radio Show you have got to get on TV more with a lengthy message. I'd stump down at Church Street Station on the weekend its going to get rough but you might start turning the tide. McCollum is leading the charge against Clinton, I'd mention that Rush Limbaugh accused the President of murder, and McCollum said nothing, while they carry on the charade of impeachment, the Defense Department GOT CAUGHT IN MULTIPLE cases of organized fraud, there has been a huge waste of time on political campaign finance reform, and a paltry attempt to reform the IRS. Of all these, political finance reform is the most important because we have a government of spin doctors, lawyers and cheats that are constructing a government of the rich and for the rich and your voice and voices like it has been and will be deliberately stifled unless voters take action when they can.

All the Best,
Lee Stevens

Subject: GOD Bless you
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 03:13:13 -0500

Dear Al and friends,

I just wanted to wish you the best of luck in your campaign. I wish you were in the third district so I could help you. Alas, I am working to get the Medical Marijuana Ballot intiative signed up here in Jacksonville. Corrine seems to be headed for an easy win and she is on our side as well. Al I certainly hope you will help our cause any way you can when you get elected. It was such a pleasure meeting you in Orlando this summer, You are a blessing.


Scott Bledsoe
Cannabis Action Network
Board of Directors,
Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana

Subject: November 3rd Election
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 00:11:29 EST

Dear Sir:

I would like to inform you that I will cast my vote for you and would like to wish you luck in the coming elections.

Subject: good luck
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 08:57:45 -0500


Its your fellow political buddy Dack Cole

Wanted to wish you the best of luck on November 3rd. You have given it your all and I'm very proud of the job you have done.

Don't lose faith and keep up the good job.

Please send me an invite to the swearing ceremony.


Subject: Feedback Form
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 14:25:12 -0600

About one week ago, I called your number and left a request for a sign for my yard. (There was a billboard sized McCullom next door. YUK!) I knew very little about you except that you were running against McCullom. When you personally returned my call, I was so impressed that while I was down at the Democratic headquarters picking up my sign, I asked if there was anything I could do to assist you in your campaign. I just spent the last three days walking around Audubon Park handing out flyers for the Democratic Party AND telling my neighbors how responsive you were to my call. I don't care what the newspapers or polls are saying. I think you've got a GREAT chance. The response I got from the neighbors was very encouraging. Thanks again for giving us a choice.
Sincerely, Valerie J. Wilson

Subject: election
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 13:08:29 -0500
From: Brian Clements
Organization: First American Title Lenders Advantage

My name is Ginger Clements, I reside in Orlando, and work in Winter Park. I wanted to let you know that you have my vote today. I received your mail listing at home last week. If it had been earlier I would have volunteered for your campaign, however I did not know how to get a hold of you. I am on my husband's computer at work so I looked you up here. If, and god forbid, you lose today, please, please, please run again next term! We have got to get rid of this yahoo Bill McCullum!

I just wanted to say good luck to you. I'm rooting for you all the way!

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