Democratic Candidate Al Krulick


Committee to Elect Krulick
PO Box 540316
Orlando FL 32854

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"The citizen who thinks he sees that the commonwealth's political clothes are worn out, and yet holds his peace and does not agitate for a new suit, is disloyal." (Mark Twain)

Krulick Blasts "Marijuana Education Summit"


    Al Krulick, Democratic nominee for Central Florida's 8th Congressional District seat, plans to attend the Marijuana Education Summit (sponsored by the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement, the Drug Free America Foundation, Inc. and "Save Our Society from Drugs"), at the Adam's Mark Hotel, on Wednesday, May 27th. The planned keynote speaker will be former Drug Czar William Bennett, to be introduced by Krulick's Republican opponent, Bill McCollum.

    Krulick states: "I plan to take my tape recorder. If past is prologue we can expect a full morning of demagoguery and disinformation. The drug warriors like Bennett and McCollum have done nothing to decrease the usage of illicit drugs in America. What they have done and will continue to do, however, is stifle intelligent debate and poison the well of public opinion with propaganda and fear-mongering.

    "An 'education' summit that spreads falsehood instead of fact, hysteria instead of history, and scare tactics instead of science, does a disservice to those it pretends to educate. I find it particularly disturbing that a man like Mr. Bennett, who purports to speak for virtue in our society, completely ignores the prime virtue (at least the most important one I teach to my children) when he talks about drugs, that is: Tell the Truth!

    "As for Mr. McCollum... his sponsorship of House Resolution #372, which would put the House on record as opposing any use of medicinal marijuana, flies in the face of the scientific evidence... as well as his own stand on the issue in the early 80's... and 80% of the American people nationwide, who support marijuana use by the sick and dying. Of all the hypocritical and inane things McCollum has done in his long and inglorious Congressional career, this is the one that most approaches pure evil. Taking away a palliative for those who suffer, in order to advance his political agenda, is unforgivable."

    Krulick will join "legal" medical marijuana patients Elvy Musikka and Irvin Rosenfeld at a 12:30 PM press conference in front of the Adam's Mark Hotel in support of their use of medicinal marijuana.

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