High Times






When I was first invited to write this guest column -- as the only Congressional challenger in America running against the "War on Drugs" -- I considered simply condensing my official position paper on the issue. Then, I realized the readers of this publication have probably long ago concluded that our 80-year policy of prohibition was wrong-headed and ultimately futile, and I might be merely "preaching to the choir." However, since an anti-Drug-War manifesto from a candidate for national office might qualify as an historical novelty, allow me to summarize the propositions I use on the campaign trail to rouse the less well-informed.

It is time to end the War on Drugs because:

Though firmly believing that the foregoing statements are true, apparent, and documentable, I still had trepidation when I decided to reveal my position at the beginning of my run for Florida's 8th Congressional District seat against hard-line Drug Warrior Bill "Throw the Kids in Jail" McCollum. I'm pleased to report that since then there has been a sea-change in both public proclamations and private perceptions across the country concerning our nation's drug policies. I now feel I'm riding an unstoppable wave of change. The tide is turning, and it is eroding the prohibitionists' and Drug Warriors' house of sand.

Consider the plethora of TV specials questioning the drug war, the spate of new books raising peoples' consciousness, or the growing list of dignified, upstanding members of society going on record against the Drug War. And don't forget the 1996 passage of state initiatives on medical marijuana. When you run for office, you are naturally going to be talking to a lot of people on the street. When I first began campaigning, I would swallow hard before telling people why I thought we needed to challenge the War on Drugs. But I've found the people are way ahead of the politicians on this issue. At least 99% of the "normal," middle-and-working-class people I meet listen attentively, nodding their heads in agreement when I talk about:

The people are also only too aware that if you're rich enough or well-connected enough, you will never go to jail for using drugs. Nor are they blind to the hypocrisy of senators and congressmen drinking cocktails and taking money from the tobacco lobby -- and then fulminating against drug use. Yes, it actually gives one hope for America!

In June, several prohibitionist groups sponsored a so-called "Marijuana Education Summit" in Orlando, FL. Clearly, the organizers were running scared; they refused to let citizens with opposing points of view speak at this taxpayer-supported event. A few of us slipped through, however. Amidst a sea of police and drug enforcement personnel, I found myself confronting former Drug Czar (and self-styled moral crusader) William Bennett, who was spinning out lie after lie about the dangers of marijuana. I asked him why he refused to admit that marijuana has been used as a medicine for 5000 years. "Cutting people's feet off and using hot coals has been used as medicine," he replied. "That doesn't mean it's medicine." And in some circles, Bennett's considered an intellectual!

So, after 30 years of working as a professional actor and performer, I now find myself in the unlikely role of running for Congress -- with one hand touching the "third rail" of American politics and the other reaching out to like-minded people in the drug-law-reform community for help and support. I may be the only one of my kind in 1998, but there will be more of me in 2000, and many more in the election after that. Taking this debate to the Congressional level is proof positive that the years of hard work by the reformers are bearing fruit.

It's time to stand up and say "enough!" -- before more lives are destroyed, more rights are abused and more gazillions of dollars are wasted. Together, let's end this madness!

Al Krulick is the Democratic candidate for Congress in Florida's 8th District. For more information, contact Committee to Elect Krulick, PO Box 540316, Orlando, FL 32854; phone: (407) 422-3602; e-mail: al@vote-al.org; Web site: www.vote-al.org.

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